Hugh Sinclair

Founder & CEO

Hugh brings a wealth of expertise with Audio Visual automation and integration to the table. His extensive background includes hands-on experience in overseeing large-scale AV installation projects that allowed him to create software and hardware solutions that enable control and automation of equipment. During his time working on these projects, he gained valuable insights in their logistics as well, such as the recognition that the trucks transporting equipment were equipped with generators and the road cases used for equipment storage sometimes held power supplies that often had a higher value than the equipment itself. It was during this period that he embarked on the development of an inventory system, collaborating with a team to meticulously track AV equipment and the associated road cases, ensuring a precise record of their contents and whereabouts.

This early foray into inventory management set the stage for Hugh’s subsequent venture into the business world. He joined forces with partners to establish an online apparel and clothing company, applying similar principles from his AV experience to create a robust inventory and order management system that catered to approximately 400 brands.

In 2019, recognizing his true strengths in logistics chain management and software development, Hugh founded CommerceBlitz. The primary objective of this endeavor was to craft a highly refined software model tailored for multi-channel order processing, inventory management, and distribution coordination systems.