Product and Wholesale Manager V2.0.5

Here are the highlights of what’s new and changed in Product and Wholesale Manager V2.0.5

New Features

Bug Fixes / Changes

Custom Logo

As always, we’re answering your needs and wishes and that’s why we implemented a Custom Logo option in our PWM app. Now you can upload your own logo and show it to your clients in the Wholesale store. Let them be sure that they’re at the right place!

Custom Store Logo

Product Details Page

We changed the way how product details page is presented and organized. The last version of the product details page was functional, it was allowing you to do the work and add all additional information to your products but also it was not organized in the way we wanted it to be so this time we focused on updating the product details view and making things simpler for all of us!

Product Info
Variant Info
Custom Product Fields
Volume Break Discounts
SEO Options

Free-Text in Quantity Selector

Another change in this latest update is an update of a Quantity Selector. Functionality is the same as before but now your Wholesale clients while buying more products can simply write the desired quantity into the box.

Quantity Selector