Product & Wholesale Manager – Shopify App Bridge 3.0 Update & Product Sync Speed
If you’re a merchant on Shopify and you want to also sell wholesale, then Product & Wholesale Manager is the app for you. It makes syncing your products from Shopify to your wholesale store fast and easy. With the new Shopify App Bridge 3.0 update, it’s even faster!
The product & Wholesale Manager got updated to the Shopify App Bridge 3.0 version.
With the new Shopify App Bridge 3.0, product sync from Shopify to Product & Wholesale Manager will be faster.
We’ve made some improvements in our code and increased the speed dramatically. This means that if you are syncing products from Shopify to Product & Wholesale Manager, it will take less time and reduce the load on Shopify’s servers.
PWM allows you to quickly sync your products from Shopify to your wholesale store.
The speed of how fast your products are synced from Shopify to your wholesale store is crucial. You can’t afford to wait for hours or even days for this process, especially when you have tons of products that need to be added in a short amount of time.
Product & Wholesale Manager lets you to quickly sync your products from Shopify to your wholesale store. This app uses an advanced algorithm that will help you save time and money by speeding up this process as much as possible!

You don’t want your customers waiting at checkout. It’s an important step, so you need to make sure it goes smoothly. Shopify App Bridge 3.0 update and Product & Wholesale Manager are built to help you keep things fast and smooth – no matter how many products you’re selling or how many people are checking out at once.
If you’re interested in learning more about Product & Wholesale Manager, please schedule a demo with one of our experts; we’ll show you how to make your life easier and your store faster!