CommerceBlitz Blog
In the Spotlight:
Product and Wholesale Manager – Pre-Ordering / Future Products and Collections
The year is slowly coming to an end, and we would like to thank everyone who uses our Logistics Services. Your feedback helps us to create more robust App offerings as we become more recognizable in the product creation and wholesale marketplace
Product and Wholesale Manager – Custom Password
Here is some great new info about our latest Product and Wholesale Manager app changes. If you haven’t tried it already, download the free trial today and…
Product and Wholesale Manager V2.0.2
Product and Wholesale Manager V2.0.2 Here are the highlights of what’s new and changed in Product and Wholesale Manager V2.0.2 New Features We have added a password change…
Product and Wholesale Manager V2.0.1
Product and Wholesale Manager V2.0.1 Here are the highlights of what’s new and changed in Product and Wholesale Manager V2.0.1 New Features Launching a new onboarding dashboard…
Product and Wholesale Manager – Onboarding
Once you launch the app, an interface will open that will guide you in detail through all the steps needed to start selling and making money. We…