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In the Spotlight:

Enrage Your Customer, Part 2: Bad Customer Service

Enrage Your Customer, Part 2: Bad Customer Service

This is the second installment in a parody series about doing bad business. The content herein should not be taken seriously. Logistics for Hire is in no way liable for the stupid consequences of following this stupid advice.

How to Enrage Your Customer: Lose Their Stuff!

How to Enrage Your Customer: Lose Their Stuff!

If you want to do business terribly, your primary mission has to be to make your customers really, really angry.

SGrecast Lite: The Best Software for Digital Broadcasting in 2021

SGrecast Lite: The Best Software for Digital Broadcasting in 2021

The most in-demand features and serves them up to you – without any complicated menus or extra things you’ll never use.

From retail store to showroom: businesses adapt to COVID-19

From retail store to showroom: businesses adapt to COVID-19

COVID-19 changed a lot of things about shopping – but the giant leap from retail to digital was probably the biggest. Brick-and-mortar stores all around the world…

How to overcome the 5 biggest pain points in warehousing

How to overcome the 5 biggest pain points in warehousing

A warehouse is, as you probably know from experience, a vast network of tiny moving parts, scan beeps, pallets, orders, and more.